
Two Letters From the Holy Spirit

I have in my file and reproduce here two letters that I believe were sent by the Holy Spirit. I will give the background to each letter and share its significance.
Letter One
In February 1973 at prayer one day I thought I heard the Holy Spirit say that he wanted me to move to Ann […]

By |January 19, 2016|Prayer|5 Comments|

A Method of Continual Prayer

“Pray constantly.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17.)

After visiting monasteries in the East, St. John Cassian (ca. 360–433), founded two monasteries in the West at Marseilles—one for men and another for women. His foundations were cenobia, community schools that formed candidates for a disciplined Christian life. To instruct his monks and nuns, Cassian wrote two significant books. […]

Praying in the Spirit

I have learned to watch for the Holy Spirit’s involvement in my life. The way Luke tells it in his gospel, the Spirit keeps very busy moving in peoples’ lives. He overshadowed Mary, he flooded Elizabeth with his presence, inspired Zechariah to prophesy about his son, guided Simeon to the infant Jesus, revealed the […]