
My New Book – “Saints at Heart”

Exciting news! Paraclete Press is publishing my new book, a revised version of Saints at Heart: How Fault-Filled, Problem-Prone, Imperfect People Like Us Can Be Holy. Here’s a description of the book:



Saints at Heart: How Fault-Filled, Problem-Prone, Imperfect People Like Us Can Be Holy

Saints at Heart presents an engaging picture of the spiritual life as […]

By |October 25, 2019|Saints|3 Comments|

St. Mary Magdalen—Setting the Record Straight

On July 22 we celebrate the feast day of the wonderful St. Mary Magdalen. Over the centuries, the memory of this great saint has been clouded with misinformation. We incorrectly identify her with other New Testament women. And we falsely accuse her of being a prostitute, an error made by many other saints and […]

Voices of the Saints – Radio Spots

Click below for short profiles of the saints throughout the year! These “Voices of the Saints” radio spots are heard frequently on the EWTN network.

St. Genevieve (January 3)
St. Aelred of Rievaulx (January 12)
St. Anthony of Egypt (January 17)
Bl. Henry Suso (January 25)
St. Angela Merici (January 27)
St. Paul Miki and Companions (February 6)
St. Claude la Columbière […]

By |October 5, 2014|Saints|0 Comments|

The Contagious Joy of Bl. Pier-Giorgio Frassati

“How blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”
— Matthew 5:3

“Be merry, really merry. The life of a true Christian should be a perpetual jubilee, a prelude to the festivals of eternity.”
— St. Théophane Vénard (1829–1861)
Bl. Pier-Giorgio Frassati (1901–1925) has become a hero for contemporary Catholics. We recognize […]

By |April 13, 2014|Saints|0 Comments|

St. Jane de Chantal and Depression

What can you do if you believe that depressive feelings keep you from living a productive life? You could look forward to a time when medicine and psychology may discover a real cure for your illness. That may be a long way off. In the meantime, you could look back several centuries to imitate […]

A Pastor’s Prayer

One of the most remarkable saints of the past, Aelred of Rievaulx (1100-1167), served as the abbot of a thriving monastery in Yorkshire, northern England in the twelfth century.

When Aelred joined the community in 1134, Rievaulx had only a handful of men. He was elected abbot in 1147 and when he died in 1167, […]